The Niagara Peninsula Fruit & Vegetable Growers' Association (NPF & VGA) represents approximately 700 growers who are engaged in the growing and marketing of fruits and vegetables in the region of Niagara, and in those portions of the Regions of Hamilton-Wentworth and Haldimand-Norfolk bounded by Highway #6 and the Grand River.
The association is made up of elected directors (producers representing geographic areas of the peninsula) and industry representatives from OMAFRA, AAFC-Vineland, University of Guelph Department of Plant Agriculture, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre and other commodity boards.
The association is made up of elected directors (producers representing geographic areas of the peninsula) and industry representatives from OMAFRA, AAFC-Vineland, University of Guelph Department of Plant Agriculture, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre and other commodity boards.